
Set expressions

according to reliable sources 根據可靠的消息來源

avoid a head-on conformation 避免直接衝突

break the current deadlock 打破目前僵局

decline to comment on the speculation 拒絕對臆測發表評論

draw a mixed reaction 引起不同反應

elicit strong criticism 招致強烈批評

on the basis of equal footing 在平等的基礎上

reach consensus on several key issues 在幾項重要議題上達成共識

refuse to comment on the report 拒絕對報導發表評論

repair / mend their strained relations 修補他們的緊張關係

quoted unidentified/unnamed sources as saying 引述不具名的消息來源表示

solve / manage their differences through dialogue 透過對話來解決歧見

spark a variety of reactions 引發各種反應

speaking on condition of anonymity 不願透露姓名的人士表示

suffer a serious / major setback 遭受嚴重挫敗

take political responsibility 負起政治責任


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